Zack Snyder Went On The Joe Rogan Experience And Said The Dumbest Shit Ever About Batman

If I were doing a Mount Rushmore of things that I care most about in this world, Batman would probably be on that list. I take live-action interpretations of Batman very seriously. For that reason, I'm still a little bit peeved about what Zack Snyder did with the character in "Batman v Superman" and the Justice League movie that he made. While the character has since been redeemed and is in good hands right now with Matt Reeves, our first-ever battle between Batman and Superman featured two characters that neither felt like Batman nor Superman. As much as I disagreed with his vision, by the time he put out his version of "The Justice League," I just accepted that it was an interpretation that I didn't agree with. Was it bad? In my opinion, yes, but I know there are many people who enjoy it, and they're welcome to continue to enjoy it. I had washed my hands of it and moved on, but Zack Snyder just can't seem to let it go. He was invited on Joe Rogan's podcast and essentially took a dump on the character's number one rule. 

Snyder's whole argument of "You're making God irrelevant" completely misses the mark of why Batman is cool. Batman isn't a god. He's just a man in a suit with a lot of money. He's continually pushed to his limits, and considering the trauma he's been through, he probably should be no different than the criminals he takes down. Still, he has one rule preventing him from going over the edge. I feel like I'm explaining the basic principles of Batman to a fucking toddler. This is simple shit. 

I'm open to different interpretations, but it kind of screams of entitlement when a Director pulls this whole "I get to make the rules" bullshit. You kind of don't. There are certain lines that you have to color inside of. If you're playing a game of baseball and you see strike three looking, you can't just sit there and say, "Yeah, I changed the rules. I decided that four strikes are a strike out now," without people calling you out on your bullshit. I'm glad that Snyder has moved on with his life and filmography, but it is stunning to me that Warner Brothers gave the keys to this billion-dollar universe to a guy who didn't understand the basic principles of the characters.

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